Did you see a WiFi access point with this name? Then you are in range of the



What is this?

A mesh network is a local, community-based version of the Internet. Users can join and participate in KULUPU at no running cost. Enjoy services built by your neighbours, connect to community centers - all supported by volunteers and peers like you.

Why join the mesh?

Due to the way it is built, our network is: This is not, as of yet, a replacement for the big Internet. There is no Google, no Amazon - not yet. But we are looking to make it so.

How do I join?

The network is designed to be easy to join, with as little overhead as possible.
I would like to set it up myself or Please help me get connected
We use a stack based on two technologies: 802.11s and Yggdrasil. Both can be enabled on OpenWRT routers - you will need 16MB of flash space. The mesh software will auto-link over a link-local address once you are in range of another antenna. From then on, all that is left is to integrate the network with your home. Contact us using the address below if you have any questions. We are always glad to see new peers.
Contact us at the email address below!

I want to get in touch!

Questions? Comments? Wishes? We'll be glad to answer. Contact us at our email address - mes@kubelupu.io.